Wednesday, March 28, 2012

We are growing!!

The Oaks of Rosenberg has been growing fast!  This is a good thing. It's good to see so many of our residents out walking and keeping there eyes out for our neighborhood.  I am looking for input for play groups, senior, groups, special needs groups, etc.  As well as any teens/adults in the neighborhood who babysit, mow or pet sit. With summer coming this I know a lot of people will be looking for these services.  This is also a good way for teens to make a little extra cash.  Please e-mail all information to  I will be putting a list together in the very near future.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year to all!  2011 was a great year and I am sure 2012 will be just as grand.  Many of you put up beautiful Christmas lights.  Next year lets see if we can get more houses to decorate.  Winter is here and so far seems to be on the mild side.

January 11th at 6:30 P.M. there will be a community meeting at George Memorial Library. One of the major things that will be taking place at this meeting it the election of a director for the Oaks of Rosenberg.  There will be a time for nominations and then it's time to vote.  Anyone interested should plan on attending this meeting.  The financial report will be gone over and the presentation of the 2012 budget.  Hope to see you there!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

There have been some discussions in our community for starting a senior group.  I will have more information as well as a contact for you as soon as I have it.  We welcome any idea's.

Holiday Party

We are thinking of doing a holiday party and looking for idea's.  There are no more funds in the account for this year.  They where used for the National Night Out.  So if our community decides to do something we will all have to pitch in.  We have chosen the area in front of the pool as the meeting point.  The date would be December 10th from 3:00-5:00 P.M.So far these are the idea's we have come up with:
  • COOKIE SWAP- Everyone who participates would need to bring 3 dozen homemade or store bought cookies. You also would need to bring an extra container to put your cookies in you collect.  All cookies would be place on tables and you go around collecting the ones you would like.  The idea is to come with 3 dozen of your own and leave with 3 dozen from others.
  • SNACKS AND HOT CHOCOLATE-We would have snacks and hot chocolate. A sign up sheet would be provided .  If an item is signed up for we need to have it brought.  Others will be relying on it.  If you are unable to participate and would like to donate an item you can always get in contact with a committee member and drop it by there house.

 Of course for these idea's we are relying on our community.  Items such as tables, chairs, drink warmers and food would need to be provided.  We as neighbors make the Oaks of Rosenberg what it is.  My hope is that we get enough people to participate so that each family doesn't have to out of pocket more than $5.00.  We want your idea's and feedback.  That is why this blog was created.  This is our means of communication within our community.  If you have neighbors who you know don't get on the internet, please share this information with them. This blog will be check on weekly for any responses.  Also feel free to e-mail me at

National Night Out

Thanks to all of the neighbors who came out and helped make the National Night Out a success.  It made for a really fun time.  The kids really enjoyed the jumpy, snacks and cotton candy. While the adults enjoyed socializing.  We where really pleased with the turn out and look forward to doing it again next year.